In Middle School health and P.E. classes, our focus will be on getting outside as much as possible to enjoy the nice weather we will hopefully continue to get! Students have been beyond excited to be able to go into the gym or outside, and they enjoy participating in activities with their friends. I can tell they like attending P.E. so much, because when it is a health day, the only question I get is "Mr. Oak, can we please go to the gym instead?" said Mr. Oak
In health, the focus has been having cooperative learning between students, within the guidelines for COVID. Cooperative learning means working on group presentations, things like making posters or making google slideshows. The google slideshows specifically are a good way for students to interact and work with the kids who may be at home distance learning.
This month we are working on the different body systems for our lessons. Each body system will be a different activity, it may be a group presentation, it may be a worksheet, or it may be drawing a diagram on a poster as a group. I try to differentiate the activities to meet the needs of as many students as possible. It has been challenging trying to overcome these guidelines and making the material interactive, but we are doing the best we can. ~ Keegan Oak MS Health and PE teacher